Dirk Sorge is a media and concept artist based in Leipzig and Berlin. He studied Visual Arts at the UdK Berlin and Philosophy at the TU Berlin and works on the topics of standardization, ableism and irrational aspects of technology driven society. Rule-based systems are often used to make aesthetic decisions and question the role of the author. His works include videos, installations, performances, and computer programs.
He has been working as cultural educator and consultant for inclusion in Saxony and Berlin for various museums, including the Berlinische Galerie, the Bauhaus-Archive and the State Museum of Archaeology Chemnitz (smac).
Dirk Sorge is a founding member of Berlinklusion, a network that promotes the active participation of people with disabilities in art and culture.

- 09 2016: Technical University Berlin, M.A., Philosophy of Knowledge and Science
- 09 2012: Technical University Berlin, B.A., Culture and Technology
- 09 2011: University of the Arts Berlin, MFA/Meisterschüler, Visual Arts in the class of Prof. Lothar Baumgarten and Prof. Michaela Meise
- 03 2010: University of the Arts Berlin, Diploma/Absolvent, Visual Arts in the class of Prof. Lothar Baumgarten
Grants and Scholarships:
- 08–12 2024: Working stipend, Kulturamt Leipzig
- 04–06 2024: Residency stipend by Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen for working in Beijing, China
- 09–10 2022: #TakeHeart Residency Stipend by Fonds Darstellende Künste in NEUSTART KULTUR program
- 03–09 2021: Funding by Fonds Soziokultur by NEUSTART KULTUR program for “ECHO – Stimmen aus der Isolation“
- 03–06 2019: Funding from Kulturamt Neukölln von Berlin for project “Deformation Complete. Die Freiheit eines Bratenwenders"
- 10 2018: Funding from German Embassy for exhibition “Call and Response”, DADAA Fremantle, Australia
- 09 2018: Funding from Goethe-Institut for workshop and exhibition at "Meeting Place 2018", Alice Springs, Australia
- 01–12 2014: KunstKommunikation 2014 grant at DA Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst for the project "Die Auflösung des Sehens" with Jovana Komnenic
- 01–12 2014: Project grant by Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL) for production of a tactile map with audio output
- 09 2013: QF2 grant by Quartiersmanagement Schiller-Kiez, Berlin-Neukölln for "Body↔Bilder" with Jovana Komnenic
- 12 2010–06 2011: Scholarship from Zhejiang University Hangzhou, China for research on "The image of China in German Media"
- 09 2010–01 2011: DAAD travel grant for China
- 02 2009–07 2009: NICA travel grant for Australia
Exhibitions and festivals:
- 2024: “DUNKEL HELL HEAVEN", installation in permanent exhibition, Gleimhaus. Museum of the German Enlightenment, Halberstadt
- 2024: “Preziosi e Precari", intervention as part of the special exhibition “Admired, collected, and put on display. Disability in Baroque and contemporary art”, Neues Grünes Gewölbe, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
- 2024: “From Digital to Analog (and back again?)”, group exhibition, hinterconti, Hamburg
- 2024: “Wo Ai Lo-Fi (I Love Lo-Fi)”, solo exhibition, Cache Space, Beijing, China
- 2023: Video contribution for short film festival LISALUNA, Duisburg
- 2023: “To/From”, group exhibition, Kommunale Galerie, Berlin
- 2023: “Von Amts wegen”, group exhibition at festival Localize, City Hall, Potsdam
- 2023: Sound installation at festival “Baustellengespräch Nr. 3”, Rotterdam Presenta, Düsseldorf
- 2022: Video contribution for media art festival SIMULTAN #17 “The Changing and The Indeterminate”, Timisoara, Romania
- 2022: “Queering the Crip, Cripping the Queer”, group exhibition, curated by Kenny Fries, Schwules Museum, Berlin
- 2022: “Who Cares? Feminist Art Festival“, curated by Valeria Schwarz, feldfünf, Berlin
- 2022: “Uncanny Ally”, group exhibition, Alte Feuerwache Loschwitz, Dresden
- 2022: Video contribution for “It’s a Book”, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig
- 2020: Lecture performance at micro festival “KörperWissen. Selbstbefragung in der kulturellen Bildung“, Museum der bildenden Künste and Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig
- 2020: "Frottagen-Collage", participatory installation at “Einzeichnen. Festival zur zeichnerischen Eroberung der Stadt”, curated by Constanze Eckert, Berlinische Galerie
- 2019: “You Are Not Invited”, protest exhibition by Berlinklusion, Haus der Statistik, Berlin
- 2018: “Call and Response: Journeys through a multi-sensory landscape”, interactive installation, DADAA Fremantle, Australia
- 2018: “Many things melt in the desert - Station One”, interactive Installation, Araluen Arts Centre, Alice Springs, Australia
- 2018: "expo2001∞", group exhibition curated by Daniel Kupferberg, Argh!, Berlin
- 2017: "From Inclusion to Partnership", group exhibition, The Gallery for Social Art, The David Yellin Academy of Education, Jerusalem, Israel
- 2017: "metronomics", group exhibition curated by Adam Nankervis, Another Vacant Space, Berlin
- 2016: "FULL HOUSE 10", anniversary exhibition of DA Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst, Kreis Steinfurt
- 2015: Video contribution for media art festival SIMULTAN #11 "Talking to Strangers", Timisoara, Romania
- 2014: "Die Auflösung des Sehens", solo exhition, DA Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst, Kreis Steinfurt
- 2014: "ROTROTROT", group exhibition curated by Daniel Chluba SCHAUFENSTER, Berlin
- 2013: "Antennae", group exhibition curated by Daniel Kupferberg, Another Vacant Space, Berlin
- 2013: "Greenwashing", group exhibition curated by Tom Albrecht,, Group Global 3000, Berlin
- 2013: "Klein Kunst Party", group exhibition curated by Yena Gim, PLATOON, Seoul, South Korea
- 2013: "body | border | body", group exhibition curated by Aisuke Kondo for Tokyo Wonder Site, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin
- 2012: "Blicke wechseln – Sinne wandeln", group exhibition about photography and visual disability, Fincan, Berlin
- 2011: "Leistungsschau", group exhibition, Kunsthalle Berlin
- 2011: "Vor mir, hinter mir, neben mir, ...", group exhibition curated by Valeria Schwarz and Peer Golo Willi, Volkspark Hasenheide, Berlin
- 2010: "OSTRALE 010", group exhibition, Ostragehege, Dresden
- 2010: "Lichtbilder", group exhibition, Jentower, Jena
- 2010: Video contribution for "plattform #8" media festival, Tübingen
- 2010: "SIX DAYS OF NEW MEDIA", group exhibition, Linienstrasse 127, Berlin
- 2009: "Christmas Palm", exhibition curated by Marcin Kowalik, Freies Museum and Kunsthaus Tacheles, Berlin
- 2009: "Glücksspiel für Vernünftige", lottery performance at "magistrale 09 – Kunst ist unser Kapital", Berlin
- 2008: "Paint it Black", tattoo performance at "magistrale 08 – Kunst im Brennpunkt", Berlin
- 2008: "Is it a frog?", group exhibition about art and science, tmp.deluxe, Berlin
- 2007: "Steady State", group exhibition in the catacombs of an old brewery, Berlin
- 2007: "Laufwerk.tmp.Datarescue", group exhibition at Medienprojektraum slash-tmp, Berlin
- 2006: "AUSSER HAUS", protest exhibition of students from UdK, Uferhallen, Berlin
Projects / jobs:
- 06 2024: Jury member for AI film contest, Goethe-Institut Beijing, China
- 02–08 2024: Working in the text department for LIERENFELD outre nuit, Rotterdam Presenta, Düsseldorf
- 10 2023: Book presentation and discussion at „Das Schaudepot – Spezial VII – Neue Nachbar:innen“, Schaudepot, Stuttgart
- 2023: Jury member for Freiflächen in exhibition “Berlin Global” (Stadtmuseum Berlin, Humboldt Forum)
- 2023: Jury member for Recherchestipendien (Berlin Senate)
- 06–09 2023: Sound artist for theater production “GRUSEL”, Pulk Fiktion, Dortmund/Cologne
- 12 2022: Critical commentator for Action Day “Recognizing Barriers”, University of the Arts Berlin
- 12 2022: Artist talk for “Inclusive Curation: Disability Art as Radical Movement Roundtable”, ARKO Art Center and Goethe-Institute, Seoul
- 2022: Jury member for Kulturaustauschstipendien (Berlin Senate)
- 09 2022: Artist talk for “Gravity Pieces”, Rotterdam Presenta, Düsseldorf
- 04 2022: Workshop at Conference “Gemeinschaftsgärten”, Theater Rampe, Stuttgart
- 2020–2022: Jury member for “as above, so below” (neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst e.V.)
- 11 2021: Panelist for public discussion “Healing the Museum? The Potential of the Museum as a Site for Caring and Healing”, Gropius Bau, Berlin
- 09 2021: Lecture with Steven Solbrig “Ableism as usual? Einführung in die Geschichte von Kunst und Behinderung”, Die Institution, Stuttgart
- 08 2021: Workshop “Abdrücke und Eindrücke der Stadt“, Berlinische Galerie
- 2021–2022: Jury member for “Elbkulturfonds“ (Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg)
- 05 2021–05 2023: Referent for Servicestelle Inklusion im Kulturbereich, Dresden
- 03–09 2021: Coordinator for “ECHO – Stimmen aus der Isolation“, funded by Neustart Kultur
- 11 2020: Co-moderation with Jovana Komnenic of online symposium “Museums and Universities of Diversity — How Can Museums and Art Universities Take an Active Approach to Living and Learning Diversity?”, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden in cooperation with the Dresden University of Fine Arts (HfBK)
- 11 2020: Moderation of micro festival "KörperWissen. Selbstbefragung in der kulturellen Bildung", Museum der bildenden Künste and Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig
- 06 2020–08 2021: Curatorial work for the exhibition “Norm and Form – Design for all?” at temporary Bauhaus-Archive, Berlin
- 06 2020: “Press F1 for Help“, World Café Session at “Bauhaus Agenten Jahreskonferenz #4: Foyer erforschen“, online
- 2020–2021: Jury member for “IMPACT grant” (Berlin Senate)
- 2019: Freelance cultural educator for family tours at Technikmuseum Berlin
- 04 2019–03 2021: Coordinator for Accessibility and Inclusion at Staatliches Museum für Archäologie Chemnitz (smac)
- 06 2019: Curating exhibition “Deformation Complete: Die Freiheit eines Bratenwenders” for 48 Stunden Neukölln, Umspannwerk, Berlin
- 02 2019: Workshop for inclusive project week “Remix: Wir, Ikarus” by meet MIMOSA, Statthaus Böcklerpark, Berlin
- 10–12 2018: Freelance arts educator for “Das ist auch unsere Baustelle! 176 Kinder erobern das Humboldt Forum”, Humboldt-Box, Berlin
- 06 2018: Freelance arts educator for art festival “48 Stunden Neukölln”, Berlin
- 04–08 2018: Freelance arts educator for the temporary exhibition "Die Schönheit der großen Stadt", Ephraim-Palais, Berlin
- 2018: Freelance arts educator for Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig
- 03 2017-03 2018: Museum educator for the temporary exhibition "Gesten – gestern, heute, übermorgen" at Industriemuseum Chemnitz in cooperation with Technical University Chemnitz and Ars Electronica Futurelab, Linz, Austria as part of BMBF-project "MANUACT"
- 10 2017: Speaker at conference "Meeting Place", as part of Australia-Berlin Arts Exchange Project by Arts Access Australia and Berlinklusion, Podewil, Berlin
- 2017: Founding member of Berlinklusion – Network for Accessibility in Arts and Culture
- 10–12 2016: Freelance arts educator for family workshops at Altes Museum, Berlin
- 2016–2021: Freelance arts educator for Berlinische Galerie
- 08 2013–07 2016: Student research assistant for BMBF Project “Anthropofakte – Schnittstelle Mensch“ at TU Berlin (www.anthropofakte.de)
- 05–06 2016: Project coordinator for "BlindWiki" by Antoni Abad at 9th Berlin Biennale
- 12 2015: Conducting workshop for conference “Inklusion ist schön” at Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin with Constanze Thielecke
- 11 2015: Conducting workshop for blind and visually impaired visitors at Museum Nikolaikirche as part of “Neue Perspektiven gewinnen!” by Förderband e.V. with Dr. Silke Feldhoff
- 05–09 2015: Conducting workshop for blind and visually impaired visitors at Deutsches Historisches Museum as part of "Neue Perspektiven gewinnen!" by Förderband e.V. with Andreas Ziepa
- 07–12 2014: Project coordinator for "Kultur all inclusive in Berlin", at society for the blind and visually impaired (ABSV)
- 07 2014: Conducting workshop "Lokale Entdeckung – Globale Vorstellung" at Carl-von-Linné-School for the physically impaired in Berlin-Lichtenberg with Valentina Sartori
- 11 2013: Conducting multi-sensory workshop at 30th Biennale of Graphic Arts „Interruptions“ in Ljubljana, Slovenia with Jovana Komnenic
- 09–10 2013: Conducting "Body↔Bilder", a workshop between seeing and touching at Schillerpalais, Berlin with Jovana Komnenic
- 11 2012: Curating exhibition and art program "Sehr ansprechend! Künstlerische Positionen zur Sprache" for the 52nd Students' Conference on Linguistics at Technical University and Free University Berlin
- 03+06 2012: Conducting lecture and workshop on participatory art education "How to Get Involved with Art?" for "COoperate Together in the field of culture" in Ljubljana and Maribor, Slovenia with Jovana Komnenic
- 06–07 2010: "Werkzeug Wahrnehmung", experimental art mediation walk at 6th Berlin Biennale with Birgit auf der Lauer, Jovana Komnenic, Silja Korn and Anja Winter
- 11 2007–03 2010: Working as tutor in the class of Prof. Lothar Baumgarten at UdK Berlin